The Blame Game
The Player(s) There’s always enough blame to go around, if you’re looking. First-of-the-year issues were just about dealt with. After about 5 weeks of school things seem to settle into routine. Students, who…
Armor, part 1
The Player(s) [the student] is smart, highly intelligent. Articulate, well-mannered, and thoughtful about responses. [the student]’s attire is older, worn, tattered. Calls home, and to CYFD have yielded no help for [the student],…
My Responsibility
The Player(s) I watched [the student] like I always did. After a couple of days around the students you teach a teacher’s eye will automatically gravitate to certain students. My eye was always…
The Best of Intentions
The Player(s) My intentions were good. I’d taught [the student]’s siblings. I knew the family. There was a very loose casual connection between the family and me – friends and/or relatives in common…
When Things Aren’t Equal
The Setup It was the whole faculty meeting and training on the very first day of our contract. We started with a very brief welcome back, recognition of service milestones, and a great…
The Sad Reality
It was the usual “fight.” The difference today was the tears. Usually I was met with defiance and some aggression. Today the weapon of choice was tears. I guess when defiance didn’t work,…
A Parent’s Support
Parent walked in to the classroom from the hallway. Parent looked a little tentative and uncomfortable. Or maybe it was fatigue. Parent looked as if it had been a difficult and physically demanding…
[the student] “Complains” About Me, Too
The Player We had talked. Oh, boy, had we talked. “Your child did this.” “Your child said that.” “I’m concerned about your child’s lack of focus.” “I know how smart your child is,…