The Gesture
The work needed to make a real connection with a student is well worth the effort. The Player(s) I recognized [the student] immediately. Even though it was after hours away from school, some…
The Blame Game
The Player(s) There’s always enough blame to go around, if you’re looking. First-of-the-year issues were just about dealt with. After about 5 weeks of school things seem to settle into routine. Students, who…
Armor, part 1
The Player(s) [the student] is smart, highly intelligent. Articulate, well-mannered, and thoughtful about responses. [the student]’s attire is older, worn, tattered. Calls home, and to CYFD have yielded no help for [the student],…
My Responsibility
The Player(s) I watched [the student] like I always did. After a couple of days around the students you teach a teacher’s eye will automatically gravitate to certain students. My eye was always…
The Best of Intentions
The Player(s) My intentions were good. I’d taught [the student]’s siblings. I knew the family. There was a very loose casual connection between the family and me – friends and/or relatives in common…
When the Teacher Makes a Mistake
The Player(s) We were still in the first few days of school. It was [the student]’s first time to volunteer for anything. We were talking through how to do an assignment. Sadly, I…
When Things Aren’t Equal
The Setup It was the whole faculty meeting and training on the very first day of our contract. We started with a very brief welcome back, recognition of service milestones, and a great…
A Medical Condition
The Player(s) It was the first week of school. I spent most of class time the first 2 days going over policies, procedures, routines… Typical beginning-of-year stuff. I’m currently teaching middle school –…
The Student Sleeps
I watched the eyes stare for a little too long and begin to droop. [the student] had fallen asleep. I didn’t wake [the student] up. The Player(s) [the student] was quiet, well-mannered, well-liked,…
Presumed Guilty
That time of year: training for administering state-mandated tests. It’s always accompanied by the insinuation: the whole world knows you’re guilty of wanting to cheat. But don’t do it. The Player(s) I’d sat…